Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get same day appointments?

We do our best to see sick children the same day. Physicals need to be scheduled in advance so that we can give your child enough time with the provider. Please call to schedule physicals several weeks ahead of time.

Can I speak to a provider after the office is closed?

Afterhours, there is a triage nurse and physician available via our telephone answering service. Simply call the main office number to reach our answering service.

Can I speak to a nurse during the day if I have a question about my child?

You can call our nurse-triage line during our regular business hours and our nurses will assist you with any questions you may have.

Do you have weekend hours?

We offer urgent-care appointments on Saturdays and most holidays.  We are open 8:30am-12:00pm.

Do you recommend and follow the standard vaccine schedule?

Yes, we do follow the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommended vaccine schedule. As healthcare providers for children and young adults we believe in protecting our patients from these preventable diseases.

How often should my child see the pediatrician?

We recommend the following schedule:
Newborn, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 24 months, 30 months.

Yearly visits from 3 years to 18 years of age.

What developmental screening tools do you have?

We ask families to complete a developmental questionnaire, called the SWYC (survey of well-being of young children) at each well baby/child visit from age 6 months to 5 years. This questionnaire is in addition to the child’s physical exam and discussion of how your child is meeting developmental milestones. We also use a PSC-17 (pediatric symptom checklist) form ages 6-11, a Y-PSC17 form ages 12-17 and a PHQ-4 (patient health questionnaire) form ages 18+.  These screens assist in identifying developmental and emotional concerns.

Your practice has two locations. Can I be seen at both?

We encourage you to be seen at your home office. However we do use a state of the art electronic medical record that facilitates our ability to see you at either office if needed.

If my child needs to see a specialist where would your office refer to?

We are members of the Pediatric Physicians Organization at Children’s Hospital (PPOC) and participate in a diversity of patient care programs with them. We are also associated with Metrowest Medical Center.  As a result, we are linked with many excellent specialists in the MA area.

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